Cycling Through Colors in MS Excel

There is a tool in MS Excel that allows you to cycle through the font colors available to you, however, it is little known because it is not readily available to you.
Follow the steps below to add the tool so that it is available to you:
- In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Office button (in version 2007) and then click Excel Options. In Version 2010, click on File | Options.
- Click the Customize option (2007) or Quick Access Toolbar option (2010) at the left side of the dialog box.
- In the Choose Commands From drop-down, select All Commands.
- In the list of commands, click on Cycle Font Colors to select it.
- Click the Add button and it will be copied to the right-hand side of the dialog box.
- Click OK.
The Cycle Font Colors tool will now be available to you on your Quick Access toolbar (QAT).
Now, all you have to do is click on the Cycle Font Color tool and the font color in your selected cells will change accordingly. Click again, and the color will change again.