EOD Scheduled Reports in Finacle
Thursday, December 25, 2014
- Scheduled reports can be viewed in HPR select "scheduled" and give your "SOLID" then click on GO as follows
- These scheduled reports are only enabled to System administrator if the system throws an error "user not authorized to view " as shown below figure then contact DOP IT chennai to enable the reports to the system administrator user login.
- After completion of EOD batch applications will be completed by the system in which we can find no of batches completed by the system.Among those System administrator should mainly concentrate on "Interest Application failure report " select from the records and view them if the report shows "The interest credit account is not valid. Hence sundry account [500003000337] is credited." then there is no problem but sometimes it shows "verification is pending interest is not generated" note that number and verify.

- In Finacle if any account modification is pending for TDA accounts (TD,SCSS and MIS) then system will not calculated the interest on due date unless it is verified.
- So many reports will be generated by name "Interest Application failure report" view all of them and notice whether any pending verification's are there if so verify them on the next day interest will be credited.
- The concerned system administrator should view this report daily which is the most important task after EOD.