At a road safety event organised by the Thane traffic police under the presence of CM Devendra Fadnavis, the Thane Police have developed an app called ‘Safe Journey‘ for the safety of women and showcased a short film on road safety measures for kids.
According to city paper DNA, the CM, speaking on the importance of road safety measures, said, “Every year about 13,000 people lose their life in road accidents and most of them are between 18-35.” Applauding the efforts of Traffic department and Thane police department he said that the initiative is very good and the smart card app meant for the safety of female commuters is commendable and that it would soon be replicated in Maharashtra as well.
The CM also added that as women play a significant role in nation-building, it is the responsibility of the civil society to ensure that no harm is caused to women.
A smart card with the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system has been introduced for women who should swap the same card with the machine installed in the vehicle while traveling. This sends out an immediate alert to parents informing them that the person has boarded the vehicle along with details of the driver and the route which the vehicle would follow.