The Section 69A of the IT Act, 2000 states “Power to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information through any computer resource”. Based on the DoT directive internet service providers have blocked access to 32 websites.
According to Arvind Gupta, the national head of BJP’s IT cell, the said websites have been blocked due to security reasons. He tweeted out the reasoning behind DoT’s decision to block the said sites.
The entire order to block the sites was shared by policy director at Bangalore-based Centre for Internet and Society Pranesh Prakash on his twitter account.
While security concern is a valid point, the idea of blocking particular objectionable URL’s (that is again, debatable as ‘objectionable’ is quite a vague term) rather than entire websites seems a bit odd. And we have, in the past, seen websites as well as torrent sites being blocked based on John Doe orders.
In the current batch of blocked websites we have Vimeo and DailyMotion- which are YouTube like video sharing websites; GitHub is a forum where software developers host and share programming code and so on.
According to Gupta, Vimeo.com has been unblocked some hours ago and should be accessible. He said that websites which will comply with the Anti Terrorism Squad directives will be unblocked.