Android software launched to track letterbox clearances.
To improve its business, it has sought AP Government’s permission to sell
non-judicial stamp papers. It would also explore the possibility of entering
e-commerce by developing a website to market products.

Android software for monitoring of letter box clearances is
planned to be expanded all over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana by June-July 2015,
Chief Post Master General B.V. Sudhakar has said.

The software is aimed at cutting delay at clearance stage to
address a frequent complaint over delay in delivery. The man clearing the post
box will be given an android phone and the post-box lid will have a bar code.
Using the device, he has to send the number of letters cleared to the AP Posts
website which then scans the bar code to identify where it has been cleared, by
whom and what time. Postal Department has plans to implement the software,
developed in house, all over the country.
Mr. Sudhakar said the AP Circle has been leveraging
technology to improve services and business deficit was brought down from
Rs.465 crore in 2011-12 to Rs.387 crore in 2012-13 and to Rs.265 in 2013-14.
“Contrary to popular perception, our business is increasing and the number of
letters delivered has gone up from 19 lakh every day in the previous year to 22
lakh this year,” he said.
Mr. Sudhakar said soon the facility to withdraw cash, up to
Rs.1,000, at post offices by swiping would be introduced. In the next phase, it
would be extended to cashless transactions for booking speed post, registered
post, parcels etc by using credit and debit cards. To improve its business, it
has sought AP Government’s permission to sell non-judicial stamp papers. It
would also explore the possibility of entering e-commerce by developing a
website to market products.
TTD darsan tickets
The facility to buy TTD’s Special Darsan and Sudarshanam
tokens will be introduced in 95 head post offices of AP and Telangana Circles
from January 5, Chief Post Master General B.V. Sudhakar has said.
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