- Usually most of us are confusing how much interest is generated and how much amount is revered and how much amount is pending for TDA accounts(SCSS,MIS and TD accounts) in DOP Finacle.
- Usually for all TDA accounts the system will generate the interest on the due date after EOD of that particular day.
- The interest generated by the system will be shown by using the menu HTDTRAN the detailed procedure is as mentioned below.
- But if we want to know the amount reversed or amount paid to a particular TDA account we have use the menu HTM the detailed procedure is mentioned below
HTDTRAN stands for Term Deposit Transaction Details
- This menu is generally used to inquire the amount of interest generated by the system on the due date for TDA accounts(SCSS,MIS and TD accounts) but not the revered amount or paid amount.
- Invoke the menu HTDTRAN then enter the system will ask to enter the account number enter the same as shown
From the above figure one can observe the list of interest transactions when one click on the transaction date then it will display whether the interest is credited into Sundry account or SB account of the customer.
Procedure for reversed transactions inquiry for SCSS MIS and TD accounts
- When anyone want to inquire the paid details or reversed details we have to use the menu HTM the detailed procedure is invoke the menu HTM then select the function as "ADD" and select the transaction type as "Cash Normal payment or Customer induced" based on the amount.
- If the amount is less than 20000 then we can use the transaction type as Cash Normal payment
- If the amount is greater than or equal to 20000 then we should select the transaction type as customer induced and we have debit the sundry and credit into postmaster account if the payment is cheque and credit into customer SB if he is having SB account
- Then click on Go then the system will ask to enter the following details as below
- Select the transaction part transaction type as "Debit"
- Enter the Sundry office account number as _______________________
- Enter the amount for ex 1 as we are inquiring the revered entries
- Enter the reference number as customer TDA account number (MIS or SCSS or TD account number) note that what you entered in this column will appear in LOT as it is so reference number here is only to reflect the account number in the LOT.
- Then finally click on click i.e., we have to enter the additional portioning details as it we are trying to reverse the office account.Even if you try post without entering the additional portioning details then the system will throw the error to enter the same.
Then the system will show the start amount and end amount as shown in the figure
Then delete the start amount and end amount and enter the reference number the same number as you entered in the first leg and select the filter type as "select" which is very important as shown
then click on Go then the system will show the list of transactions reversed and not reversed amount as shown
If the customer taken the interest then the system will show the reversed amount else the reversed amount will be '0'(zero) as shown above.