Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(Min.of HRD,Deptt. Of Education, Govt.of India)
18-Institutional Area
Shaheed jeet singh Marg
New Delhi – 110016
(Min.of HRD,Deptt. Of Education, Govt.of India)
18-Institutional Area
Shaheed jeet singh Marg
New Delhi – 110016
Office Memorandum
Subject: Amendment in Article 108 of the
Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas.
Board of Governors of KVS in its 100th meeting
held on 10-12-2014 has ratified the recommendations of 42nd Academic Advisory
Committee (AAC) meeting held on 26-11-2014 on Amendment in Article 108 of the
Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas.
The Amendment are as under:-
Existing provision
A. Classes I to II
(1) Hindi (2) Engilsh (3) Mathematics (4)
Art of Healthy and productive living
A.Classes III to V
Scholastic Subjects:
(1) Hindi (2) English (3) Mathematics
(4) Environmental Studies
Non – Scholastic Subjects:
(5) Work Experience
(6) Art (7) Physical Education/Games (8)
Music (Computer Awareness programme as a part of work experience shall be
provided from class III onwards if, facilities are available.)
Amended Provision
A. Classes I to V
(1) Hindi (2) English
(3) Mathematics
(4) Environmental Studies
Co Scholastic Subjects:-
(5) Art Education (6) Work Education (7)
Health and physical Education (8) ICT skills
*Art Education includes Music, Drawing Dance
& Drama.
C. Calsses VI to VIII
Scholastic Subjects:(1) Sanskrit (2)
Hindi (3) English (4) Mathematics (5) General
Science (6) Social Studies
Non Scholastic Subjects:
(7) SUPW (8) Art Education (9) Health and
Physical Education
B. Classes Vi to VIII
Scholastic Subjects:(1)Hindi (2)
English (3) Third Language – Sanskrit (4) Mathematics (5) Science
(6) Social Science
Co Scholastic Subjects:
(7) Work Education (8) Art Education (9)
Health and physical Education including Yoga (10) ICT Skills
* Art Education includes Music, Drawing,
Dance & Drams.
D. Classes IX and X
Scholastic Subjects:(1) & (2) Any
two languages out of Sanskrit, Hindi and English (3) Mathematics
(4) Science and Technology
(5) Information Technology
(6) Socience (Computer literacy/Education as
a part of work experience)
C. Classes IX and X:
Scholastic Subjects:
(1) & (2) Any two languages out of
Sanskrit, Hindi and English (3) Mathematics
(4) Science 5) Social Science
Co Scholastic Subjects:-
(6) Work Education (7) Art Education (8)
Health and physical Education including yoga (9) ICT Skills
* Vocational Subjects, if any, as per
CBSE Guidelines.
** Art Education includes Music, Drawing
Dance & Drame.
E. Calsses XI and XIII Science Group:
Compulsory: Core language (English or
Hindi or Sanskrit), SUPW, General Studies
Elective: Any four of the following:
(i) physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Biology (iv)Mathematics (v) informatics
practices (vi) Computer Science (vii) Multimedia & Web Technology (viii)
Economics (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core languae
(x) Biotechnology
D. Classes XI and XIII Science Stream:
Core Subjecs: English, Hindi,Sanskrit
(Any One or two*)
Elective: (Any four or three*) out of the
(i) Physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Biology
(iv) Mathematics (V) Computer Science (VI) Informatics Practices
(VII)Economics (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core
language (x) Biotechnology
* Total: Core +Elective –
05 Subjects (CBSE guidelines to be followed)
II Commerce Group: Compulsory: Core language
(Sanskrit or English or Hindi) SUPW, General Studies.
Elective: Any four of the following
(i) Accountancy (ii) Business Studies (iii) Economics (iv)
Mathematics (v) Geography (vi) Informatics practices (vii) Computer Science
(viii) Multimedia & Web Technology (ix) language other than that offered
as compulsory core language.
II Commerce Stream: Core
Subjects: English, Hindi, Sanskrit (Any one ot two*)
Elective: (An four or three*) out of
the following:
(i) Accountancy (ii) Business
Studies (iii) Economics (iv) Mathematics (v) Geography (vi) Informatics
practices (vii) Computer Science (viii) Multimedia & Web Technology (ix)
language other than that offered as compulsory core language.
* Total: Core +Elective =
05 Subjects (CBSE guidelines to be followed)
III Humanities Group:
Compulsory: Core language (Sanskrit or
Hindi or English), SUPW, General Studies.
Elective: Any four of the following
(i) History (ii) Geography (iii) Economics
(iv) Mathematics (v) language other than that offered as compulsory core
language (vi) Multimedia & Web Technology (vii) Informatics practices.
Note: Students may offer any subject as
prescribed by the CBSE provided 15 or more students opt for the same.
However, a student can also opt for any other subject (s) other than the
above, even if the number of students is less than 15, provided he/she makes
his/her own arrangements for study. This applies for both compulsory and
elective subjects.
III Humanities Stream:
Core Subjects: English, Hindi,
Sanskrit (any one or two*)
Elective: (Any four or three*) out of
the following:
(i) History (ii) Geography (iii) Economics
(iv) Mathematics (v) language other than that offered as compulsory core
language (vi) Multimedia & Web Technology (vii)Informatics practices
(viii) Political science (ix) Sociology
* Total: Core +Elective
=05 Subjects (CBSW Guidelines to be followed)
Co Scholastic subjects for all
i) Work Education
ii) Health and physical Education including
iii)General studies/life skills
Education/Values Education/Gender Sensitivity
Note: Students may offer any subject as
prescribed by the CBSE an arrangement of contractual teacher can be made by
KV provided 15 or more students opt for the same. However, a student can also
opt for any other subject(s) other than the above (Subject to CBSE
guidelines), even if the number of students is less than 15, provided he/she
makes his/her own arrangements for study. This applies for both core and
elective subjects.
Yours faithfully
Joint Commissioner(Acad)
Joint Commissioner(Acad)