Copy of Ministry of Communications & IT,
Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Order No. 25-6/2013-SPG dated
I am directed to refer to this office letters
of even number dated 14.03.2013 and 02.04.2013 on the above cited subject vide
which the DOP&T's OMs on the aforesaid Scheme were circulated. The
DOP&T has issued one more OM (No. 21.Onl1.l2OO9-Estt (A) Part dated 15.01.20L5)
on the subject and a copy of the same is circulated herewith. The instructions
contained in these OMs may be strictly followed. The officers of Indian Postal
Service, Group'A' of age 40 years and above have to mandatorily undergo medical
examination in an empanelled hospital/medical centre once in every financial
year as per the instructions suo-moto, without waiting for any instructions in
the matter from this Directorate. A photocopy of the summary of medical report
(Annexure-lll circulated with letter dated 14.03.2013) should be attached with
the APAR for financial year concerned'