Unverified accounts can be listed by respective offices using the HAFI menu; CPCs are already aware of the procedure. Following are the fields to be entered in HAFI for finding out unverified transactions:
- Menu Shortcut - HAFI
- GO
- The following screen will be appeared
- Ref. No.: Enter one or two spaces
- Table Short Name: GAM
- General Ledger Subhead Code: 30001
- Authorize: Select the radio button 'Not Authorized'
- Function Code: M
- GO
- The following screen will be appeared
In Key value column, The List of accounts are displayed. Kindly verify the account CASBAV/CASBAM in SB category.
GL Heads for different Scheme
SB - 30001
PPF - 33001
NSS87 -30021
NSS92 -30022
All the accounts of each scheme should be verified before end of financial year, so the interest may be posted in each accounts at the time of interest run batch.