- SSA account daily list of transactions(LOT) is not included in the reports menu (HFINRPT) in DOP Finacle.
- The temporary solution for viewing and taking the LOT for SSA account cane be generated by using the procedure mentioned below.
By Using the menu HACSP
- Invoke the menu HACSP which means Account Selection and Print as shown in the below figure
Then Enter the following details
- Enter the SOL ID _________________
- Enter the Scheme Code as "SSA"
- Enter the open date(low) ________________
- Enter the open date(high) ____________________ as mentioned in the below figure
Then finally click on Submit then the System will display the list of transactions as shown in the below figure.
Then click on Print then the system will display the message batch program invoked successfully as shown in the below figure.
In DOP Finacle batch programs will be generated in the background, we have to view those reports by using the menu HPR as shown in the below figure.
Then select the record "Reports of Accounts Selected" from the list of reports as shown then the system will display the list of transactions for SSA as shown in the below figure.
Then finally click on Print to get the LOT for SSA.
Then click on Print then the system will display the message batch program invoked successfully as shown in the below figure.
In DOP Finacle batch programs will be generated in the background, we have to view those reports by using the menu HPR as shown in the below figure.
Then select the record "Reports of Accounts Selected" from the list of reports as shown then the system will display the list of transactions for SSA as shown in the below figure.
Then finally click on Print to get the LOT for SSA.