"Regarding merger of DA and Granting of interim
report on granting Interim Relief as per our request, Chairman 7th CPC said
there is no mention in the Terms of Reference and there are directives from
Government on this issue. However, he assured that he will a DO letter to the
Government whether 7th CPC can consider to recommend and submit an Interim
Report on this matter."
R.SrinivasanGeneral Secretary
Date: 25/2/2015
ToAll Affiliated of INDWF
Dear Colleagues,
VII Central Pay Commission invited the
Standing council members of National Council of JCM for submission of oral
evidence on the JCM/Common memorandum submitted by the National Council
constituents to the commission on Pay and Allowances, Pay determination,
Minimum and Maximum Pay, Pensionery benefits, Commutations, Revision of Pension
for Pensioners etc on 25/2/2015 at 11.00 Hrs.
The Standing Committee members attendted the
meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission from 11.00 Hrs ti 12.30 Hrs and the
details are given as under :
1. At the outset Leader and Secretary Staff
Side raised the issues that 6th CPC Chairman invited the Standing Committee
NC(JCM) for oral evidence on 17th, 18th and 19th April, 2008 on the common
memorandum submitted by the National Council Consituents. Therefore, we need
minimum three days to supplement and give oral evidence to the VII CPC and one
day for Retirement benefits.
a. Determination Pay and Minimum Pay as well
as Maximum Pay
b. Pay and Allowances
c. Special Benefits on particular categories
d. Terminal and Retirement Benefits etc.
After receiving the names and dates for discussion we shall be able to allot time for discussion on those matters mentioned in the memorandum.
2. We have demanded that sufficient time to be
given to the Federation to present their respective Ministries/Departments
specific problems particularly Railways, Defence, Postal, Health Ministry where
the issues are different from each other. Chairman agreed to give time after
requestes from the respective Federations.
3. Regarding merger of DA and Granting of interim
report on granting Interim Relief as per our request, Chairman said that this
has not been included in the Terms of reference. However, we have insisted upon
that the erosion of pay due to increase in prices and inflation the DA has
crossed more than 100%, therefore merger of DA is important and Interim Relief
should be granted. Chairman 7th CPC said there is no mention in the Terms of
Reference and there are directives from Government on this issue. However, he
assured that he will a DO letter to the Government whether 7th CPC can consider
to recommend and submit an Interim Report on this matter.
The National Council JCM agreed to submit the
names of members and dates for further discussion on the memorandum after
having internal discussions among us and also approach the Government of India
to give directives to 7th CPC for submitting an Interim Relief on merger of DA
and Interim Relief for both employees and pensioners.
The meeting ended after the above discussions.
Yours Sincerly,
General Secretary
General Secretary
Source: INDWF