- When anyone try to modify the account at the account level by using the menu modification after verification the system will thrrow sometimes the error "FER000932-nvelid Request-either request is having malacious code or request is forged." the error screen shot is show in the below figure
Root cause of the above problem:-
- When anyone entered the charecter "--"(two hiphens ) in the address field then the system will treat this charecter as special charecter hence the system throws the above said error.
Solution for the above problem:-
- Kindly remove the special charecter at CIF level or Account level then try to go for account modification.
- For example there is a special charecter at the CIF level as shown in the below figure
So there is special charecter in the address field at the CIF level so modify the data using the menu CMRC and then verify the same.Then after performing this do the account modification.
Note that --(two hiphens) in the address field should not be entered.This is for your kind information.