One SOL can accept the PPF Deposit of Other SOL. PPF deposit commenced in CPDTM command. SOLs finish the deposit in CPDTM and Tran ID is generated at CPA level. Supervisor has to verify this Tran ID. But at the time of verification in CPDTM an error "Tran ID Invalid". Here are steps of PPF Deposit of Inter SOL.
- Menu Shortcut - CPDTM
- GO
- Function Code - A-Add
- Tran Type/ Sub Type - C/NR
- Type - N - Normal Contribution
- GO
- Account Number -
- Amount -
- Submit
- A Tran ID will be generated. Note the Tran ID.
- Supervisior invoked CPDTM menu
- Function Code - V-Verify
- Tran ID -
- Go
- The error message is showing "Tran ID invalid"
- Now Use HTM command to verify this Tran ID
- Menu Shortcut - HTM
- GO
- Function Code - V-Verify
- Transaction ID -
- GO
- Click on Submit button
- Hence the Tran ID is verified now.