Unverified accounts can be listed by respective offices using the HAFI menu; CPCs are already aware of the procedure. Following are the fields to be entered in HAFI for finding out unverified transactions:
- Menu Shortcut - HAFI
- GO
- The following screen will be appeared
- SOLID: Default SOLID
- Ref. No.: Enter one or two spaces
- Table Short Name: GAM
- General Ledger Subhead Code: 30001
- Authorize: Select the radio button 'Not Authorized'
- Function Code: M
- GO
- In Key value column, The List of accounts are displayed. Kindly verify the account CASBAV/CASBAM in SB category.GL Heads for different SchemeSB - 30001PPF - 33001NSS87 -30021NSS92 -30022All the accounts of each scheme should be verified before end of financial year, so the interest may be posted in each accounts at the time of interest run batch.